

Room of the ‘700

The room of the ‘700, on the noble floor of the building, houses paintings that recall the events of the Boncompagni papacy.

Paintings depict the studies for the reform of the calendar and an encounter with Japanese princes, as well as representations of various gifts received by the Pope from Roman women, the King of France and also from his son, Giacomo.
In this room there are also several allegories, including one relating to mathematics. This confirms the Pope’s interest in science, which is connected to the naturalistic representations of the papal audience hall.
At his side is another allegory, the pietas, which pays homage to the Pope’s generosity towards women without a dowry. Such sensitivity, unusual for the times and of which the Pope was a forerunner, indicates the creation in Bologna, during those years, of the Monte del Matrimonio; an institution that exists to this day.

To learn more about the events related to the revolution of time, the Gregorian Calendar and the creation of the Monte del Matrimonio, you can visit the PALAZZO STORIES section.

panaroma dall'alto di castello benelli


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